Hi everyone,
My friend @LibertyRPF, who writes the eclectic newsletter, Liberty’s Highlights) recently interviewed me. Check out the podcast! Also, a reminder that MBI and I recently launched a podcast (Spotify, Apple, RSS feed). The second episode, a conversation about Xpel, drops soon.
At a basic level, biologic drugs bind to specific proteins embedded in cells, like keys to locks. Those drugs are proteins themselves, generated by mammalian host cells. As discussed in several previous posts, the process by which this happens is quite involved: foreign DNA that codes for the therapeutic protein of interest is introduced into host cells; those cells, nourished in large steel drums, divide repeatedly into a huge numbers; the proteins created by those cells are extracted in an intricate filtering and purification process before being filled into vials and packaged for distribution. In short, bioprocessing manufactures the cells that create the proteins we want.
But there is another, simpler way to get to a similar place. Recall the central dogma of molecular biology: in nature, protein-encoding information in DNA is transferred to messenger RNA (mRNA) in the cell nucleus. mRNA leaves the nucleus and makes its way to the cytoplasm (the semi-liquid substance that fills the space between cell membrane and nucleus) where its sequence is read by ribosomes and translated into proteins. Those proteins can bind to specific receptors on cancer cells, marking them for destruction by the immune system, or trigger the creation of antibodies, so that the immune system can quickly recognize and defend against future infections (for instance, the COVID-19 vaccine produces the SARS-CoV-2 virus’ infamous spike protein).
mRNA manufactured in a plant differs from the kind found in nature in that it doesn’t interact with nucleic DNA. Already sequenced by researchers to code for the protein of interest, synthetic mRNA is ensconsed in a lipid nanoparticle (LNP), then delivered directly to the cytoplasm where it interacts with ribosomes that produce the actual proteins. So, rather than produce the therapeutic protein directly, we can instead produce the mRNA that expresses it. In other words, whereas traditional biologics use mammalian host cells as mini-factories to produce antibodies, mRNA therapies use a patient’s own cells to do the same.
The production of mRNA begins with the familiar nucleobases – A (Adenine), G (Guanine), C (Cytosine), and T (Thymine) – that comprise the building blocks of DNA. Those compounds are bound to a type of sugar molecule to create different kinds of deoxynucleoside triphosphates (dNTPs), which are then used by polymerase enzymes to create oligonucleotides (oligos). Those oligos are then assembled into the desired protein-encoding genes, to be carried by circular DNA molecules called plasmids. Plasmid DNA is transferred to bacteria, multiplied through fermentation, extracted, unfurled into a linear molecule (”linearized”) with exposed ends, and purified. That linearized plasmid then serves as a template that is combined with NTPs and enzymes to synthesize mRNA in a process called in vitro transcription (IVT).
Maravai participates in most of this workflow, supplying the enabling raw ingredients and catalyzing them into mRNA that is ultimately read by the ribosomes floating around in our cells to produce the desired proteins.
Source: Maravai
Here is an mRNA strand:
The CDS (coding sequence) region in the center holds the genetic instructions for making the target protein…like, say, a spike protein that replicates the spike protein found on the surface of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. The UTRs (untranslated regions) bind to ribosomes and are responsible for fine tuning the amount of protein expressed by the mRNA molecule. In nature, mRNA is capped in the front end (5’ end or “5 prime end”) by a 5’ cap molecule and in the back end (3’ end) by a poly(A) tail made up of adenine nucleotides. The chemical reactions that create the caps are beyond the scope of this post. Suffice it to say that without them, mRNA would be rapidly degraded by assaults from RNA-cleaving enzymes. Maravai’s management often analogizes the 5’ cap to a vehicle’s front bumper, with a GPS embedded inside: it both protects the molecule and guides it to the ribosomal complex, using “parking sensors to ensure that it’s perfectly positioned within that machinery”.